Turk J Zool
E-ISSN: 1303-6114
ISSN: 1300-0179
Year: 1997 Volume: 21 Number: 1
  1. The Habitats of Preadult Stages of Culicidae (Diptera) Species Commonly Found in Çukurova and Important Physical and Chemical Characteristics of these Habitats
    Davut ALPTEKİN, Halil KASAP
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 1-6
    Abstract   Full Text:

  2. Crepuscular and Nocturnal Behaviours, Activation Coefficient and Vector Potential Formulas Culex spp. (Diptera: Culicidae) of Ortaca and Dalaman Regions in Muğla II
    Bülent ALTEN, Ayşe BOŞGELMEZ
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 7-19
    Abstract   Full Text:

  3. On Prelarvae and Early Postlarvae of the Rockfish Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809)'un From the Sea of Marmara
    Ömer ALTUN
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 21-27
    Abstract   Full Text:

  4. The Effects of Glutamine Administered Before Abdominal Radiation on the Damage of Liver
    Şehnaz BOLKENT, Refiye YANARDAĞ, Ahmet KİZİR, Nejat SAVCI, Nazmi OĞUZ
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 29-35
    Abstract   Full Text:

  5. A Checklist of Cladoceran Species (Crustacea) Living in Turkish Inland Waters
    Ertunç GÜNDÜZ
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 37-45
    Abstract   Full Text:

  6. The Reproduction Biology of Rainbow Trout (Oncoryhynchus mykiss) in the Gürün Gökpinar Fisheries Station Conditions
    Mehmet KARATAŞ
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 47-51
    Abstract   Full Text:

  7. A Taxonomical Study on Anoplotettix sahtyiancii Dlabola, 1970 (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae)
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 53-55
    Abstract   Full Text:

  8. Taxonomic Status and Karyological Characters of Meriones tristrami Thomas, 1892 (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 57-62
    Abstract   Full Text:

  9. A Study on the Habitat Use and Diet of Pine Marten (Martes martes (L.)
    İdris OĞURLU, Hüseyin SÜZEK
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 63-68
    Abstract   Full Text:

  10. Radio Tracking on a Released Red Deer (Cervus elaphus L.) Group
    İdris OĞURLU
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 69-77
    Abstract   Full Text:

  11. The Status of Caucasian Black Grouse (Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi (Tackanowski)) in Turkey and an Observation in Sivrikaya (Rize - ikizdere)
    İdris OĞURLU
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 79-83
    Abstract   Full Text:

  12. Pathologic Abnormalities of Fish in Turkish Coastal Waters of the Eastern Black Sea
    Fatma TELLİ, Figen DORAN
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 85-90
    Abstract   Full Text:

  13. An Investigation on The Growth Criterias of Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus 1758 in Çıldır Lake-Ardahan
    Sedat V. YERLİ
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 91-99
    Abstract   Full Text:

  14. A Study on Flesh Productivity of Egirdir Lake's Crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus salinus Nordman, 1842)
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 101-105
    Abstract   Full Text: