Turk J Zool
E-ISSN: 1303-6114
ISSN: 1300-0179
Year: 1996 Volume: 20 Number: 2
  1. A Histopathological Study on the Effects of Commercial and Biodegraded Malathion on Liver, Kidney and Spleen of Mice
    Turk J Zool, 20, (1996), 149-154
    Abstract   Full Text:

  2. Birds of Kabaki Reservoir, Diyarbakır
    Murat BİRİCİK
    Turk J Zool, 20, (1996), 155-160
    Abstract   Full Text:

  3. Effects of Mercury, Chromium and Nickel on Glycogen Reserves and Protein Levels in Tissues of Cyprinus carpio
    Mustafa CANLI
    Turk J Zool, 20, (1996), 161-168
    Abstract   Full Text:

  4. A Freshwater Mussel Species Unio stevenianus Krynicki 1837 (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the River Karasu Flowing into Lake Van, Turkey
    Turk J Zool, 20, (1996), 169-173
    Abstract   Full Text:

  5. Glycogen Storage Formations During the Structural Differentiations of the Neural Gland of Ciona intestinalis (Tunicata, Ascidiacea)
    Ayla ÖBER
    Turk J Zool, 20, (1996), 175-181
    Abstract   Full Text:

  6. Research on the Loggerhead Turtle, Caretta caretta, of Fethiye Beach
    Oğuz TÜRKOZAN, İbrahim BARAN
    Turk J Zool, 20, (1996), 183-188
    Abstract   Full Text:

  7. Eumenidae (Hymenoptera, Vespoidea) of Turkey
    Erol YILDIRIM, Hikmet ÖZBEK
    Turk J Zool, 20, (1996), 189-209
    Abstract   Full Text:

  8. Investigations on Biology of Meriones crassus Sundevall, 1842 (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey
    Nuri YİĞİT, Ercüment ÇOLAK, Mustafa SÖZEN
    Turk J Zool, 20, (1996), 211-215
    Abstract   Full Text: