Turk J Zool
E-ISSN: 1303-6114
ISSN: 1300-0179
Year: 1997 Volume: 21 Number: 3
  1. Effects of Low Temperature on the Total Fatty Acid Compositions of Female Pupae of Dibrachys boarmiae (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 223-228
    Abstract   Full Text:

  2. Reproduction and Feeding of The Chub ( Leuciscus cephalus, L .1758 ) in Akşehir Lake (Konya)
    Ahmet ALTINDAĞ
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 229-240
    Abstract   Full Text:

  3. Phylogenetic Systematic: A Short Introductory Review on its Terms, Principles and Thechniques
    Hasan H. BAŞIBÜYÜK, Battal ÇIPLAK
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 241-258
    Abstract   Full Text:

  4. A Study on The Samples of Lacerta praticola EVERSMANN, 1834 (Sauria: Lacertidae) in The Vicinity of Dereköy (Kırklareli)
    İ. Ethem ÇEVİK, C. Varol TOK
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 259-262
    Abstract   Full Text:

  5. Histologic and Histochemical Studies on the Lamina Epithelialis of the Oesophagus of the Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
    Kenan ÇINAR, Abdullah DÜLER, Ömer BOYACI
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 263-268
    Abstract   Full Text:

  6. A Comparation of Diversity of Benthic Macroinvertebrates Using Different Indices in Ankara Stream
    Sönmez GİRGİN
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 269-274
    Abstract   Full Text:

  7. Odonata Fauna of Istranca Mountains
    Nurten HACET, Nihat AKTAÇ
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 275-290
    Abstract   Full Text:

  8. A Taxonomical Study on New Three Species of Diplocolenus Ribaut, 1946 (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha, Cicadellidae, Deltocephalinae) for the Fauna of Turkey
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 291-294
    Abstract   Full Text:

  9. The Effects of Low Temperature on the Total Lipid, Total Fatty Acid and Fatty Acid Composition in Female Pupae and Adults of Pimpla turionellae L. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 295-302
    Abstract   Full Text:

  10. A Study on Gas Bubble Disease on Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792) Which was Cultured in Cages in Eğirdir Lake
    Mehmet Rüştü ÖZEN, Mustafa ÜNLÜSAYIN
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 303-308
    Abstract   Full Text:

  11. Effects of Orally Administrated Malathion, an Organophosphated Insecticide, on Longevity, Egg Production and Hatchabilty of Adult Female Pimpla turionellae L.
    Ferbal ÖZKAN, İskender EMRE
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 309-314
    Abstract   Full Text:

  12. Still-Waters Systems In and Around Eskişehir Chironomidae (Diptera) Larvae
    Naime POLATDEMİR, Yalçın ŞAHİN
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 315-320
    Abstract   Full Text:

  13. Investigations of the Growth and Reproduction of Horse Mackerel (Trachurus mediterraneus ponticus ALIEV) Population in Turkish Black Sea Coast
    Temel ŞAHİN, Yaşar GENÇ, Hasan OKUR
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 321-328
    Abstract   Full Text:

  14. The Growth Performance of Red Mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus,1758) and Brushtooth Lizardfish (Saurida undosquamis (Richardson,1848)) from the Coastal Region of Adana Province (İskenderun Bay,Turkey)
    Canan TÜRELİ, Ünal ERDEM
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 329-334
    Abstract   Full Text:

  15. Effects of Pure and Atmospheric Oxygen to the Growth of Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on the Light and Dark Conditions
    Mustafa ÜNLÜSAYIN, Metin TİMUR
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 335-342
    Abstract   Full Text:

  16. Investigations on Reproduction Biology of Mesocricetus brandti (Nehring, 1898) (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey
    Nuri YİĞİT, Ercüment ÇOLAK, Erkut KIVANÇ, Mustafa SÖZEN
    Turk J Zool, 21, (1997), 343-348
    Abstract   Full Text: