Turk J Biol
E-ISSN: 1303-6092
ISSN: 1300-0152
Year: 1997 Volume: 21 Number: 3
  1. Functional Relationships Among Hypothalamus, Pituitary and Thyroid Glands in Anuran Amphibians
    Kadriye Akgün DAR
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 209-236
    Abstract   Full Text:

  2. Detection of Genetic Determinants of Nodulating Ability in Bradyrhizobium japonicum Strains
    Mustafa AKÇELİK, Kemal KARUÇ, Kamuran AYHAN, Velittin GÜRGÜN
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 237-247
    Abstract   Full Text:

  3. Effects of Treflan Herbicide on the Growth and Aflatoxin Production of Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999
    Müge Yousefi RAD, Nilüfer AKSÖZ
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 249-256
    Abstract   Full Text:

  4. The Effects of Cadmium Chloride and Mercury Chloride on the Polytene Chromosomes of Third Instar Larvae of Drosophila melanogaster
    Handan UYSAL, Zafer BAHÇECİ
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 257-265
    Abstract   Full Text:

  5. Studies on Heavy Metal Biosorption by Phanerochaete chrysosporium ME-446
    Nilüfer CİHANGİR, Necdet SAĞLAM
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 267-272
    Abstract   Full Text:

  6. In Vitro Antimicrobial Activities of some Fir Essential Oils
    Eyüp BAĞCI, Metin DIĞRAK
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 273-281
    Abstract   Full Text:

  7. Determination of some Biochemical Properties of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) \alpha-Amylase Enzyme and Effects of Endosulfan on Enzyme Activity
    Filiz EKİNCİ, Tülin AKTAÇ
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 283-298
    Abstract   Full Text:

  8. Effect of Diclofenac Sodium Exposure During Fetal Life on Dorsal Hippocampal Layer Thickness of Postnatal 20 Week-Old Male Rats
    Murat Çetin RAĞBETLİ, Süleyman KAPLAN, Adnan KORKMAZ, Davut ALBAYRAK
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 299-305
    Abstract   Full Text:

  9. The Effect of Diclofenac Sodium Administered During Prenatal Life on Dorsal Hippocampal pyramidal Cell Number in 20 Week-Old Male Rats
    Murat Çetin RAĞBETLİ, Süleyman KAPLAN
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 307-315
    Abstract   Full Text:

  10. The Effect of Paraquat on Adenosine Deaminase Activity in Different Tissues of Mice (Mus musculus - Swiss Albino}
    Fikriye POLAT, Egemen DERE
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 317-327
    Abstract   Full Text:

  11. Isolation and Seasonal Distribution of Mesophilic Soil Microfungi from Some Cultivated Fields of Izmir - Bergama Province
    Alev HALİKİ, Mücahit DİZBAY
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 329-341
    Abstract   Full Text:

  12. Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Lead in the Green AIga Spirogyra fluviatilis Hilse and Zygnema pectinatum (Zygnemataceae)
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 343-352
    Abstract   Full Text:

  13. Factors Affecting the Sporulation of Alternaria solani
    Erkol DEMİRCİ
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 353-358
    Abstract   Full Text:

  14. Fungal Spores Determinated from Outdoor Air in Bursa
    Yeter ŞİMŞEKLİ, Fahrettin GÜCİN, Başaran DÜLGER, Nihat SAPAN
    Turk J Biol, 21, (1997), 359-365
    Abstract   Full Text: