A review of subtribe Phrosinellina Verves, 1989, with description of Phrosinella (Asiometopia) kocaki sp. nov. from the Middle East (Diptera: Sarcophagidae: Miltogramminae: Metopiaini)


Abstract: Phrosinella kocaki Verves & Khrokalo sp. nov. from Israel is described as being new to science. A similar species, Phrosinella kozlovi (Rohdendorf, 1925), is recorded for the first time for Turkey and redescribed. Faunistic and ecological data on 31 species from 3 genera of subtribe Phrosinellina are given: Gymnoprosopa Townsend, 1892 (6 species); Gymnopsidia Shewell, 1987 (1 species); and Phrosinella Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863 (24 species). An original key to the genera and subgenera is presented.

Keywords: Phrosinella kocaki, Middle East, new species, Sarcophagidae, Phrosinellina, genera, key, species composition, geographical distribution, habits

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