Records and checklist of Thysanoptera in Turkey


Abstract: Thysanoptera specimens collected from different parts of Turkey, and especially from northwestern Anatolia, were studied. Data are presented on 65 species, of which 33 are from northwestern Anatolia. The species studied are either new records for the Turkish fauna or new locality records within Turkey. The following 9 species are new records for the Turkish fauna: Bregmatothrips willcocksi (Priesner), Pseudodendrothrips mori (Niwa), Cephalothrips coxalis Bagnall, Chiraplothrips graminellus Priesner, Haplothrips arenarius Priesner, Haplothrips dianthinus Priesner, Haplothrips priesnerorum Pelikan, Haplothrips rabinovitchi Priesner, and Hoplandrothrips bidens Bagnall. A checklist of Thysanoptera from Turkey that includes 193 species is presented. References of the first records of the species involved are also given.

Keywords: Thysanoptera, thrips, new records, northwestern Anatolia, Turkey

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