Interesting rotifers (Rotifera: Eurotatoria) from a subtropical wetland of Meghalaya, Northeast India: new records


Abstract: The plankton and semiplankton samples examined from a subtropical wetland of Shillong, Meghalaya, Northeast India (NEI), revealed seven new records of rotifers belonging to six genera and six families. These include five species new to the Indian Rotifera and two species new to the rotifer fauna of NEI, thus meriting interest in terms of biodiversity and distribution. All the species are illustrated to warrant validation. While a detailed account of the rich rotifer diversity of the wetland is continuing, this interim report raises the total tally of Rotifera known from Meghalaya to 141 species belonging to 41 genera and 20 families.

Keywords: Biodiversity, distribution, interesting taxa, urban wetland

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