Authors: Mehmet Rüştü ÖZEN, Mustafa ÜNLÜSAYIN
Abstract: In this study, was carried out gas bubble disease of fry and juvenile trout cause of supersaturated oxygen in Karaot fishing ground of Eğirdir lake near by Gelendost. Morphologically, there were observed; gas bubbles on skin, subcutaneous emphysema and on opercula of both side, exophtalmus and haemorrhage in both of eyes. There were never seen any symptomatic effect bacteriological and parasitological. They were not seen any exudate, deformation and putrification all internal organs when did autopsy. Histopathological, there were obvious haemorrhage and gas bubbles on gill rakes, flaments and intraorbital or eye. Detached intestinal and gastric mucosa.
Keywords: Rainbow Trout, Cage, Oxygen Supersaturated Water, Emphysema