Contributions to the genus Platystoma (Diptera: Platystomatidae) fauna of Turkey with seven new records


Abstract: This study evaluated specimens belonging to the genus Platystoma collected from different provinces in Turkey between 1992 and 2007 and currently deposited at the Zoology Museum of Gazi University (ZMGU); 12 species and 2 subspecies belonging to this genus were identified. The species P. Dimidiatum (Hendel, 1913), P. Tegularium (Loew, 1859), P. Gemmationis (Rondani, 1869), P. Chrysotoxum (Hendel, 1913), P. Pubescens (Loew, 1845), P. Plantationis (Rondani, 1869), and P. Subtile bezzii (Hendel, 1913) have been recorded in Turkey for the first time. Wing pictures and distribution maps of the discovered species are given.

Keywords: Diptera, Platystomatidae, Platystoma, new records, Turkey

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