The Possibilities of Using Sugar Beet Pulp Silage Produced by Different Methods in Lamb and Dairy Cow Rations 3. Digestibility and Lamb Fattening Trials


Abstract: The objective of this experiment was to evaluate ensiling methods for more efficient and long-lasting preservation of sugar beet pulp, which is an energy-rich cheap feedstuff. For this reason, during ensiling the dry matter of sugar beet pulp was increased to 20% by adding wheat straw or grass hay. On the other hand, 1% urea + 5% beet molasses (SBPSM), and 0% urea + 5% beet molasses (SBPHM) were added to these silages containing wheat straw or grass hay respectively. Two kinds of beet pulp silages, corn silage and grass hay, were utilized in lambs in this experiment. In the digestion trial, organic matter digestibilities were 60.39, 58.99, 55.80, and 60.03% (P<0.05) for corn silage, SBPSM silage, SBPHM silage, and grass hay, respectively. Crude cellulose digestibilities were similar; however, crude protein digestibilitiy was greater in the group fed SBPSM silage than in the other groups (P<0.05). Crude protein digestibilities were 65.98, 86.26, 70.27, and 70.66 for corn silage, SBPSM silage, SBPHM silage, and grass hay, respectively. In the fattening trial, the silages and grass hay were fed ad libitum while the concentrates were limited to 30% of the requirement. The trial lasted 60 days. Total live weight gains were found to be 4.62, 2.85, 3.45 and 5.93 kg and daily weight gains were found to be 77, 48, 58 and 99 g in the corn silage, SBPSM silage, SBPHM silage and grass hay groups (P>0.05), respectively. In conclusion, when the dry matter concentration of sugar beet pulp was increased to 20% and supplemented with molasses, a good quality silage can be obtained. The digestibility rates of these silages may equal the nutritive value of corn silage, but the value of both corn silage and the silages of sugar beet pulp in lamb fattening is questionable.

Keywords: Sugar beet pulp silage, total digestibility, live weight gain, lamb fattening

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