The Molecular Character and Comparison with German EHV-1 Viruses of Equine Herpes Virus Isolated from izmit Region

Authors: Ahmet MENGİ, Martin PFEFFER, Hermann MEYER, Nikolaus ÖSTERRIEDER, O. Rüger KAADEN, Fatma UYANIK

Abstract: Equine Herpes Virus 1 (EHV-1) that was isolated Turkey, Izmit region has compared with 5 isolates of EHV-1 in Germany. When all of the isolates culturated in the cells of EEL and Ed-min, they had shown typical cytopathic effects of EHV-1. The DNA of these six EHV-1 isolates had been divided by the restriction enzymes which are BamHI, BgIII and ECoRI and investigated in gel electrophoresis. In the all of the isolates, section examples that had discovered by this 3 enzymes resemble each other.

Keywords: Equine Herpes Virus 1, The analysis of restriction enzyme