Rickets in a Gazelle: a Case Report


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine some clinical, radiological, haematological and biochemical findings in a female gazelle, 9 months old, with rickets. In clinical examination, the animal was unable to stand up easily, its legs were bent and walking was difficult. The medullar cannals were wide and the cortex was thin in the long bones on the radiogram. The Ca level (6.8 mg/dl) was found to be within the minimum normal limits in the biochemical examinations of blood serum. Also, serum P level (1.6 mg/dl) was ascertained to be markedly lower than normal levels. In addition, serum ALP activity (3609 IU/L) was clearly higher than normal values. The range of Ca/P was calculated as 4.25/1. But other haematological and biochemical parameters were found to be within normal values reported in gazelles.

Keywords: Rickets, gazelle, Ca, P, ALP

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