Abstract: In this study, the activity of paraoxonase 1 (PON1) in various cattle races in different age groups was investigated. PON1 is capable of hydrolyzing organophosphate agents of pesticides that are amongst the most significant stress sources for farm animals. PON1 can also hydrolyse nerve gases and can protect the organism against lipid peroxide formations that occur as a result of oxidation of LDL. The cattle races in the study were separated into 3different age groups of young (0 to6 months), middle-age (6 months to 4 years) and old (4 years of age and above), and 5 mL of blood sample was collected from each animal to analyse and determine their PON1 activities. The statistical analyses were then performed. Based on the knowledge that the animals with high PON1 enzyme activity would have higher adaptation capabilities for regions that are being sprayed with pesticides compared to animals with low PON1 enzyme activity, the possibility of using PON1 activity tests as a potential precharacterization study for marker assisted selection (MAS) was investigated. The results have revealed that PON1 enzyme activity could be used as a biomarker for determination of pesticide resistance.
Keywords: Biomarker, PON1 activity, animal improvement
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