An approach to extract the parameters of solar cells from their illuminated I-V curves using the Lambert W function


Abstract: In this article an approach based on the Lambert W function is applied to analysis of various types solar cells and solar modules at a given insolation level and temperature; it can be used to extract accurate values of the parameters of a solar cell/module using experimental data or information available from the datasheet. These parameters are the photocurrent I_{ph}, the reverse saturation current I_o, the diode ideality factor a, the series resistance R_s, and the shunt resistance R_{sh}. The parameters I_o, a, R_s, and R_{sh} are calculated with the aid of 4 equations that can be solved simultaneously while increasing the value of I_{ph} in small increments. The calculated parameters are found to be in good agreement with those obtained in the literature. The experimental data of various solar cells/modules devices are obtained from the literature. Some of these devices are silicon solar cells and modules in addition to organic and DSSC solar cells. The mathematical I-V characteristics and the mathematical P-V characteristics are found to be in good agreement with the experimental data.

Keywords: Solar cell, solar module, equivalent circuit, PV system modeling, Lambert W function

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