Dust-ion acoustic shock waves for nonplanar geometry with nonthermal electrons and adiabatic dusty plasmaDust-ion acoustic shock waves for nonplanar geometry with nonthermal electrons and adiabatic dusty plasma


Abstract: The nonplanar Burgers' equation for dust-ion-acoustic shock waves was derived for unmagnetized adiabatic dusty plasmas, comprising static negatively charged dust fluid, nonthermal distributed electrons, and Boltzmann distributed positron and adiabatic ion fluid, by employing the standard reductive perturbation method. The solution of the modified Burgers' equation for nonplanar geometry is numerically analyzed. The dependence of dust-ion-acoustic shock waves on some plasma parameters is explored. It is observed that inclusion of the nonthermal electron distribution modifies the shock wave profile significantly. Likewise, it is found that the nonplanar geometry effects have an important role on the establishment of shock waves. It is also found that an increasing positron concentration decreases the amplitude of the dust-ion-acoustic shock waves.

Keywords: Dust-ion-acoustic shock, nonplanar geometry, multicomponent adiabatic dusty plasma, nonthermal electrons

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