Equilibrium shapes and deformations of some rare earth nuclei in cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky shell correction approach


Abstract: The nuclear potential energies of neutron-deficient even-even rare earth nuclei ^{150-160}Dy, ^{150-160}Er, ^{150-160}Yb, ^{158,162,166-176}Hf, ^{160,164-178}W, and ^{162,166,170-180}Os are computed within the framework of the cranked Nilsson--Strutinsky shell correction method. The ground state potential energy surface diagrams of these nuclei are analysed in terms of quadrupole deformation and the triaxiality parameter. The nuclear shapes and deformations in the ground state are found to be functions of Z and N. Even though most of the isotopes in this region seem to be prolate in the ground state, oblate and triaxial shapes are also predicted for some isotopes. It is also found that the rare earth nuclei provide a platform for the study of phenomena such as nuclear shape changes and shape coexistence.

Keywords: Cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky Shell correction method, PES diagram, deformation, quadrupole deformation parameter, triaxiality, spin, ground state shape

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