PGM1 Polymorphism and Rho (D) Incidence in the Turkish Population

Authors: E. Ferda PERÇİN, İhsan SEZGİN, Ahmet ÇOLAK, Atilla ATALAY, Füsun DÜZCAN, Ziynet ÇINAR

Abstract: This research work, represents an attempt at contributing towards the determination of the genetic structure of the Turkish population Phosphoglucomutase 1 (PGM1) from erythrocyte enzymes and Rho (D) antigen incidence, were investigated. For this purpose, 200 blood samples from healthy unrelated individuals from different regions of Turkey were examined. Phenotypes of PGM1 enzyme were determined with the cellulose-acetate electrophoresis method and of the Rh blood group with the aglutination method; in this way, gene frequencies were calculated. It was determined that the gene frequencies of the PGM1 enzyme were PGM1*1= 650±0.023, PGMx1x2= 0.350±0.023 (x2= 0.633, p>0.01). As for the gene frequencies of the Rh blood groups, these were Rh (+)= 0.646 and Rh (-)= 0.354 (x2= 8.7, p>0.05). As a result, it was observed that Turkey occupied a place between Asia and Europe according to gene frequency of the PGM1 enzyme system. In addition, when the Turkish population was examined following classification into 7 geographical subpopluations, it was observed that the distribution of gene frequencies among the regions was homogeneous. Both the PGM1 enzyme system and Rh blood group system were found to be in confirmity with the Hardy-Weinberg law. When the Rh blood-group and PGM1 systems were compared, no association in between the two was observed.

Keywords: Erythrocyte enzymes, phosphoglucomutase 1, polymorphism, Turkish population.