Identification of subclinical iron deficiency using new erythrocytes, leukocytes, and reticulocytes parameters during nonsevere acute infection in pediatric outpatients


Abstract: Background/aim: This study aims to investigate the diagnostic utility of new erythrocytes, leukocytes, and reticulocytes parameters for the identification of subclinical iron deficiency (ID) in children under 6 years with nonsevere acute infection in pediatric outpatients. Materials and methods: The study included 102 children with acute infections and 31 true ID. Traditional and new hematology parameters were measured in a Sysmex-XN® , along with C-reactive protein level, and iron parameters. Participants? ID were categorized as: the ferritin < 100 ng/mL, transferrin saturation < 20% was defined as ?subclinical or functional ID (FID) in Group 1?; ferritin < 30 ng/mL, transferrin saturation < 20%, as ?absolute-ID (AID)? in Group 2; ferritin < 12 ng/mL without anemia and infection, as ?true ID? in Group 3. Results: The frequencies of FID and AID among the 102 children with acute infection were 24% and 76%, respectively. Compared with the Group 2 patients, Group 1 had a significantly higher mean percentage of hypochromic erythrocytes (Hypo-He), and significantly lower levels of hemoglobin (Hb) and Hb content of reticulocytes (RET-He) (p < 0.05 for all). Compared with Group 2 and Group 3 patients, Group 1 had a significantly higher mean percentage of immature reticulocyte fraction (IRF) and immature granulocyte (IG) values (p < 0.05 for all). The RET-He, IRF%, Hypo-He%, and IG% cut-off values for predicting FID during infection were 27.0 pg, 10.6%, 2.5%, and 0.35% respectively. Conclusion: The RET-He, Hypo-He, IRF, and IG may be useful parameters for identifying subclinical ID in small children with nonsevere acute infection in pediatric outpatients.

Keywords: Iron deficiency, child, infection

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