Cytotoxic effect of cigarette smoke condensate on mice and rat mesenchymal stem cells and HeLa cells


Abstract: Aim: To study the effect of cigarette smoke condensate (CSC) on HeLa cells and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) of mice (mMSC) and rats (rMSC). Cigarette smoking results in the deaths of millions of people annually. The constituents of cigarette smoke produce oxidants in the cells that result in inflammation, carcinogenesis, and apoptosis. Materials and methods: CSC was collected on filter paper and dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide, and 10-100 µg/mL was added to HeLa cells, mMSCs, and rMSCs in a 96-well plate. The cytotoxic effect of CSC was measured after 48 h using a neutral red uptake assay. Images of the cells were taken after growing in the neutral red medium. Results: There was no significant change in cell morphology after exposing the cells to CSC for 48 h. The growth of the HeLa cells, mMSCs, and rMSCs was reduced by 14%, 38%, and 36%, respectively. Conclusion: The present study demonstrates the growth inhibitory effect of CSC on stem cells compared to mature HeLa cells. The study also proves that CSC does not promote proliferation.

Keywords: Cigarette smoke condensate, HeLa cells, mesenchymal stem cells, proliferation, cytotoxic effect

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