Investigation of the results of a smoking cessation clinic and the factors associated with success


Abstract: To investigate the success rate and factors affecting success at a smoking cessation clinic. Materials and methods: In this study, 608 patients (397 male and 211 female) admitted to a smoking cessation clinic to quit smoking between 1 January 2006 and 1 June 2010 were investigated. Routine biochemical and hematological tests, pulmonary function tests, exhaled carbon monoxide levels, electrocardiographs, and chest X-rays were obtained from all of the patients. The questionnaire forms, including the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND), were filled by all of the participants. At the end of months 6, 12, and 18, the smoking cessation success rates were reviewed. Factors contributing to the success rate, causes of smoking, difficulties encountered in quitting, and factors that increased the desire to smoke were evaluated. SPSS 11 was used in the statistical analyses (chi-square test). P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Statistically significant factors included male sex, obtaining physician advice, and an FTND score of ≤6. Inclination was the most common cause of starting to smoke, and the most commonly encountered difficulty in quitting was irritability and an increased desire to smoke in the postprandial period. Conclusion: This study found a smoking cessation success rate of 40.4% over 1 year. The clinic was effective for smoking cessation. The findings from this clinic will be valuable for future tobacco control studies.

Keywords: Tobacco control, smoking cessation clinic, smoking addiction

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