Outpatient Satisfaction with Health Centers in Urban Areas


Abstract: Objective: The purpose of this study was to estimate the level of patient satisfaction with health center services and related factors. Methods: This study was performed on eight randomly selected health centers in urban areas of Ankara and Konya by interviewing patients who were about to go home after examination. The questionnaire consisted of demographic data and a four-point rating scale of 13 items measuring the satisfaction of outpatients. The chi-square test was used to assess differences in proportions. Results: Satisfaction score was 3.11 ± 0.41 and 70% of the patients were satisfied with the patient care of health centers. The level of satisfaction was related to educational level and age. The ratio of satisfaction was very high regarding the courtesy of physicians and nurses, but was the lowest with regards to technical adequacy. In general, outpatients were satisfied with health centers, and described them as humane. Conclusion: The complaints of patients should be taken into consideration by the administration and staff of health centers.

Keywords: Satisfaction, outpatient, health center, urban

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