The radiological findings of COVID-19


Abstract: Background/aim: Available information on the radiological findings of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is constantly updated. Ground glass opacities (GGOs) and consolidation with bilateral and peripheral distribution have been reported as the most common CT findings, but less typical features can also be identified. According to the reported studies, SARS-CoV-2 infection is not limited to the respiratory system, and it can also affect other organs. Renal dysfunction, gastrointestinal complications, liver dysfunction, cardiac manifestations, and neurological abnormalities are among the reported extrapulmonary features. This review aims to provide updated information for radiologists and all clinicians to better understand the radiological manifestations of COVID-19. Materials and methods: Radiological findings observed in SARS-CoV-2 virus infections were explored in detail in PubMed and Google Scholar databases. Results: The typical pulmonary manifestations of COVID-19 pneumonia were determined as GGOs and accompanying consolidations that primarily involve the periphery of the bilateral lower lobes. The most common extrapulmonary findings were increased resistance to flow in the kidneys, thickening of vascular walls, fatty liver, pancreas, and heart inflammation findings. However, these findings were not specific and significantly overlapped those caused by other viral diseases, and therefore alternative diagnoses should be considered in patients with negative diagnostic tests. Conclusion: Radiological imaging plays a supportive role in the care of patients with COVID-19. Both clinicians and radiologists need to know associated pulmonary and extrapulmonary findings and imaging features to help diagnose and manage the possible complications of the disease at an early stage. They should also be familiar with CT findings in patients with COVID-19 since the disease can be incidentally detected during imaging performed with other indications.

Keywords: COVID-19, imaging, computed tomography, signs, extrapulmonary involvement

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