Formulas for the Fourier Coefficients of Cusp Form for Some Quadratic Forms


Abstract: In this paper, representations of positive integers by certain quadratic forms Q_p defined for odd prime p are examined. The number of representations of positive integer n by the quadratic form Q_p, is denoted by r(n;Q_p), obtained for p=3,5 and 7.\thinspace We prove that r(n;Q_p)=\rho (n;Q_p)+\vartheta (n;Q_p) for p=3,5 and 7, where \rho (n;Q_p) is the singular series and \vartheta (n;Q_p) is the Fourier coefficient of cusp form.

Keywords: representation of numbers, quadratic forms, generalized theta series, Fourier coefficient of cusp forms

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