Parameterized Littlewood--Paley operators and their commutators on Herz spaces with variable exponents


Abstract: The aim of this paper is to deal with Littlewood--Paley operators with real parameters, including the parameterized Lusin area integrals and the parameterized Littlewood--Paley $g_{\lambda}^{\ast}$-functions, and their commutators on Herz spaces with two variable exponents $p(\cdot),~q(\cdot)$. By using the properties of the Lebesgue spaces with variable exponents, the boundedness of the parameterized Littlewood--Paley operators and their commutators generated respectively by BMO function and Lipschitz function is obtained on those Herz spaces.

Keywords: Parameterized Littlewood--Paley operators, commutators, Herz spaces with variable exponent, BMO spaces, Lipschitz spaces

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