Horizontally submersions of contact CR-submanifolds

Authors: FORTUNE MASSAMBA, Tshikunguila Tshikuna-Matamba

Abstract: In this paper, we discuss some geometric properties of almost contact metric submersions involving symplectic manifolds. We show that the structures of quasi-K-cosymplectic and quasi-Kenmotsu manifolds are related to (1, 2)-symplectic structures. For horizontally submersions of contact CR-submanifolds of quasi-K-cosymplectic and quasi-Kenmotsu manifolds, we study the principal characteristics and prove that their total spaces are CR-product. Curvature properties between curvatures of quasi-K-cosymplectic and quasi-Kenmotsu manifolds and the base spaces of such submersions are also established. We finally prove that, under a certain condition, the contact CR-submanifold of a quasi Kenmotsu manifold is locally a product of a totally geodesic leaf of an integrable horizontal distribution and a curve tangent to the normal distribution.

Keywords: CR-submanifold, almost Hermitian manifold, almost contact metric submersion, symplectic manifold, horizontal submersion

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