Best simultaneous approximation in function and operator spaces


Abstract: Let Z be a Banach space and G be a closed subspace of Z. For f_1,f_2 \in Z, the distance from f_1,f_2 to G is defined by d(f_1,f_2,G) = \underset{f \in G}{\inf} max {||f_1-f||, ||f_2-f||}. An element g^{\ast} \in G satisfying max {||f_1-g^{\ast }||, || f_2-g^{\ast }||} = \underset{f \in G}{\inf } max {|| f_1-f||, ||f_2-f||} is called a best simultaneous approximation for f_1,f_2 from G. In this paper, we study the problem of best simultananeous approximation in the space of all continuous X-valued functions on a compact Hausdorff space S; C(S,X), and the space of all Bounded linear operators from a Banach space X into a Banach space Y; L(X,Y).

Keywords: Simultaneous approximation, Banach spaces

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