Abstract: This is from Birkhoff, the "father of lattice theory" in Trends in Lattice Theory. Van Nostrand 1970: "Lattices can do things for you, no matter what kind of mathematician you are!". The aim of this paper is to show that the $le$-semigroups (lattice ordered semigroups possessing a greatest element) play the main role in studying the ordered hypersemigroups. From many results on lattice ordered semigroups corresponding results on ordered semigroups can be obtained. The converse is also possible but the beauty and simplicity of "order" makes it easier to investigate the lattice ordered semigroup at first. After getting the results on ordered semigroups, by an easy modification corresponding results on ordered hypersemigroups can be obtained.
Keywords: $le$-semigroup, ordered semigroup, ordered hypersemigroup, ideal element, ideal
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