On geometric applications of quaternions


Abstract: Quaternions have become a popular and powerful tool in various engineering fields, such as robotics, image and signal processing, and computer graphics. However, classical quaternions are mostly used as a representation of rotation of a vector in $3$-dimensions, and connection between its geometric interpretation and algebraic structures is still not well-developed and needs more improvements. In this study, we develop an approach to understand quaternions multiplication defining subspaces of quaternion $\mathbb{H}$, called as $\mbox{Plane}(N)$ and $\mbox{Line}(N)$, and then, we observe the effects of sandwiching maps on the elements of these subspaces. Finally, we give representations of some transformations in geometry using quaternion.

Keywords: Quaternions, reflection, orthogonal projection, sandwiching maps, involution and antiinvolution

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