Some remarks on distributional chaos for bounded linear operators


Abstract: The aim of this paper is to study distributional chaos for bounded linear operators. We show that distributional chaos of type k \in {1,2} is an invariant of topological conjugacy between two bounded linear operators. We give a necessary condition for distributional chaos of type 2 where it is possible to distinguish distributional chaos and Li--Yorke chaos. Following this condition, we compare distributional chaos with other well-studied notions of chaos for backward weighted shift operators and give an alternative proof to the one where strong mixing does not imply distributional chaos of type 2 (Martínez-Giménez F, Oprocha P, Peris A. Distributional chaos for operators with full scrambled sets. Math Z 2013; 274: 603--612.). Moreover, we also prove that there exists an invertible bilateral forward weighted shift operator such that it is DC1 but its inverse is not DC2.

Keywords: Distributional chaos, operators, weighted shifts, topological conjugacy, strong mixing

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