A Computational Hydrodynamic and Heat Transfer Study in Turbulent Up-Flows of Dilute Slurries through a Concentric Annulus


Abstract: A computational model based on a continuum approach is developed to estimate the hydrodynamic and heat transfer characteristics of turbulent slurry up-flows through a concentric annulus. The dilute slurry is treated as a single phase fluid of variable physical and thermal properties in the flow area. Prandtl's mixing length model is used to obtain the closure equations of turbulence. Experimental solid density distribution data are incorporated in the model to estimate the local physical and thermal properties of the slurry in the radial direction. It is also shown that in the limiting case of zero solids loading, the present model fits well to the single phase heat transfer correlation and the flow data available in the literature.

Keywords: Liquid-solid turbulent flow, Slurry heat transfer, Solids density profile, Solids loading

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