Time Minimization of CNC Part Programs in a Vertical Machining Center in Terms of Tool Path and Cutting Parameter Criteria


Abstract: An algorithm was prepared for minimizing the machining time of CNC part programs used in a vertical machining center. The CNC program is transferred from the machine to the CNC code editor with a serial cable (RS-232). The time calculator examines all the codes in the code editor and calculates the time of all the moves in minutes. The other processor, which does the code formation, analyzes each individual movement of machining. As a result, it orders all the operations formed with the same cutting tool on the x and y axes. It also generates the G codes by minimizing the rapid movements of the tool in terms of the shortest tool path. With the cutting parameters module, machine table feed and spindle speed are modified using the machine power and tool life as limiting factors for each machining operation. In this way, the CNC program is modified. By reanalyzing the new CNC program with the time calculation processor, the time saved can be seen.

Keywords: Cutting parameters, Tool path planning, Machining time, NC program

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