Direct Processing of Tincal Ores and the Wastes of the Etibor A.Ş. Kırka Borax Mine


Abstract: Boron minerals have a wide and intensive usage in modern technology in the fertiliser, pharmacy, detergent and nuclear industries. This important and indisputable position of boron minerals will continue in the future. In this research, a new technique for processing boron ores and wastes was developed. For this purpose, a helical transporter, which is used for solid-liquid separation and material conveyance in industrial applications, was re-designed and manufactured. With the single stage helical transporter, direct processing of tincal ores (-25 mm), fed to the concentrator in the Etibor A.Ş. Kırka Mine, and the wastes from the concentrator was carried out. The optimum operational parameters of the transporter were determined by testing under various processing conditions. After the tests with tincal ores were carried out under optimum conditions, B_{2}O_{3} solubility of 88.66% was obtained. The maximum B_{2}O_{3} solubility in clay waste was 87.83%.

Keywords: Boron processing, Tincal ores, Helical transporter.

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