Application of Impulse Momentum Theory to Vehicle Collisions


Abstract: Collisions between two objects are classified into three groups : Linear Central Impacts, Oblique Central Impacts and Eccentric Impacts. In this paper, the effects of all three types of impacts by motor vehicles are studied using the theory of impulse and momentum. The loss of energy caused by impacts is defined by the Coefficient of Restitution \lq\lq e''. Accordingly, Elastic, Elastoplastic and Plastic Collisions occur in all 3 types of impact. Oblique Central Impact is observed more often than Linear Central Impact, and Eccentric Collisions are observed more often than the other two types in highway collisions. Cases of these types of collision are examined, and examples of all 3 types of collision adapted to vehicle collisions are illustrated.

Keywords: Accidentology, Collisions, Coefficient of Restitution, Impulse, Momentum

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