Traffic Noise in the Arzila Wetland, Portugal

Authors: António TADEU, Antonio PEREIRA, Joao LIMA, Diogo MATEUS

Abstract: Noise may be considered a factor of environmental degradation that affects not only the quality of life of human beings, but also the whole spectrum of living creatures. The Living Natural Reserve of the Arzila wetland, integrated in the European Net of Biogenetic Reserves, is likely to be crossed bya highway connecting Montemor-o-Velho to Ameal (Arzila), about 13 km west of Coimbra, Portugal. In this article the evolution of noise in the wetland is analyzed, taking into consideration the probable impact of the new highway. A marked increase in the level of continuous noise that may negatively affect the animal life inside the wetland is forecasted.

Keywords: Noise, Road Traffic, Nature Reserve, Wetland Environmental Degradation.