Multi-Reaction Zones Imaging Technique for Turbulent Hydrocarbon Flames


Abstract: Detection and imaging of multi-reaction zones is an essential tool for understanding the detailed structure of complicated flames. In this work a combined 4-camera technique is presented for multi-reaction zones imaging. The technique combines highly advanced laser-based diagnostics tools, namely Rayleigh scattering, laser-induced predissociation fluorescence (LIPF) of OH, LIF of PAH, and LIF of formaldehyde (CH_2O). The application of this combined technique in turbulent non-homogeneous hydrocarbon flames is quite new. The technique shows its ability to detect simultaneously rich, lean and diffusion reaction zones. The 3 reaction zones can be spatially resolved, providing essential information about their interaction and overall flame stability. Therefore, the detection and study of triple flame structures in non-homogeneous turbulent flames becomes possible. An example of a triple flame structure in a turbulent lifted non-premixed methane flame is presented. The present work proves that the developed technique is a powerful tool for multi-reaction zone measurements in turbulent and laminar flames.

Keywords: Laser-based techniques, Triple flames, Multi-reaction zones, LIF, Formaldehyde

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