Determination of Flood Inundated Areas Using RS Techniques in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey


Abstract: The remote sensing and geographic information systems are supplying new tools for flood inundation studies. RS/GIS techniques are used for the determination of the flood extent in the 20-21 May 1998 flood in the Western Black Sea region of Turkey. Two Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA/AVHRR) satellite images are processed in this study. The images are geocoded, and radiometrically and geometrically corrected. Unsupervised and supervised classification techniques are applied to the pre-processed images respectively in order to determine the flooded areas. The classified images are then compared for change detection. Detailed statistical analyses are performed with the results of the classifications. Ground truth observations for accuracy assessment of the classification are prepared as GIS layers after digitizing the land use maps, river networks, city locations and gaging stations. Various overlay analyses and spatial queries are performed for the interpretation of the classified image.

Keywords: RS/GIS, Flood, NOAA/AVHRR, Image Classification

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