Powder Metallurgy Constitutive Equations

Authors: Oktay ALNIAK, Bilgin KAFTANOĞLU

Abstract: In the formulation of deformation models; material parameters, chemical compositions of material, mechanical or thermo-mechanical processes applied to material, and test temperatures have to be known. Deformation of a material is closely influenced by the factors of stress, strain, strain rate, test temperatures, geometric constraints, material defects and frictional effects. In this paper, some models of constitutive equations are reviewed and two new high-temperature deformation models are proposed for deformations of powder metallurgy super alloys. Experimental parts of this study was carried out in the National Research Council (NRC), National Aeronautical Establishment (NAE), CANADA, and thermo-mechanical and micro-dynamical changes of powder metallurgy related to tests were presented by an article (Tr .J. of Engineering and Environmental science 18 (1994) 271-280, TÜBITAK, ANKARA 1994).

Keywords: Deformation Strain Rate Sensitivity, Strain Hardening Coefticient HIP: Hot Isostatic Pressure, Homologous Temperature, Consolidation.