The Effects of Drainer Formworks With Sucker Lining on The Concrete Surface Properties


Abstract: In this research, the alternative formworks which are without lining and which are with sucker lining-drainer are produced. On the concrete blocks which are casted in formworks; blowhole on the surface, surface hardness with schmidth hammer, pull-out resistance, capilları absorption, sodium-sulfate frost resistance, abrasion resistance experiments are made. As a result; the concretes which are casted on sucker lining and drainaged formworks has better concrete surface properties than the ones which are casted on formworks without lining. Also it is observed that the differences between the data of concrete that are casted on sucker lining and the data of concrete that are casted on formworks with drainage property, are not significant from the point of view of statistics.

Keywords: Concrete, Formwork, Lining

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