The Effect of Nitrogen Oxides on the Deterioration of Stones in the Historical Buildings of Erzurum

Authors: Başak İPEKOĞLU, Nuhi DEMİRCİOĞLU, Ümmühan DANIŞ

Abstract: The accelaration in decay of building materials in recent years has been attributed to air pollution. Nitrogen oxides are relevant to decay of stones because of their influence on the oxidation of sulphur dioxide. The purpose of this research is to determine the presence of nitrogen compounds and gypsum on the samples which are collected from deteriorated stones of Kale Mescidi, Yakutiye Medresesi and Ahmediye Medresesi in Erzurum, and is to propose a convenient method for these determinations. In the investigations of stone extracts, spectrophotometry is selected for use among various possible techniques. In the result of the study the presence of nitrate, nitrite and gypsum are determined and their effects on the stone decay are discussed.

Keywords: Deterioration of Stone. Air Pollution, Nitrate, Nitrite.