Permissioned Blockchain based Remote Electronic Examination


Abstract: Recent coronavirus pandemic transformed almost all aspects of daily life including educational institutions and learning environments. As a result, this transformation brought remote electronic examination (shortly e-exam) concepts back into consideration. In this study, we revisit secure and privacy preserving e-exam protocol proposals and propose an e-exam protocol that utilizes decentralized identity-based verifiable credentials for proof of authentication and public-permissioned blockchain for immutably storing records. In regard to the previously proposed e-exam schemes, our scheme offers both privacy enhancement and better efficiency. More concretely, the proposed solution satisfies test answer authentication, examiner authentication, anonymous marking, anonymous examiner, question secrecy, question privacy, mark privacy, test verifiability, and mark verifiability properties.

Keywords: Electronic exams, e-exams, decentralized identity, verifiable credentials, security, privacy, permissioned blockchain

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