Dual open-end stator winding induction machine fed by redundant voltage source inverters


Abstract: In this paper, the authors propose the availability analysis of a dual open-end stator windings asynchronous machine. Each open-end stator winding is supplied by two PWM voltage source inverters. The active and passive redundancy of the inverters improves reliability, availability, and safety of the system since the loss of inverter losses does not stop the machine. Indeed, for active redundancy, in the case of failure of the inverter, the corresponding winding is disconnected and the other winding is supplied by the two healthy inverters. For passive redundancy, one winding is fed by two inverters and the two others are waiting; in the case of failure inverter, the roles will be reversed. Simulation results are carried out to show the ability of a fault-tolerant architecture.

Keywords: Dual open-end winding induction machine, two-level inverters, active redundancy, passive redundancy

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