Design and realization of a welding oscillator


Abstract: Welding is one of the most popular methods to combine metal pieces in manufacturing processes. Arc welding, among all welding techniques, is the most commonly used in manufacturing due to its cost and flexibility. During the manufacturing process, arc welding is either performed by an operator or by automatic tools such as welding oscillators. Using automatic tools has advantages over manual use, as the process will be faster, cheaper, and have less welding flaws. In this paper, a homemade welding oscillator and the method to manufacture it are presented. The presented welding oscillator can be manufactured for a very low price compared to those on the market. Moreover, it covers industry-level needs and provides even more functionality with small adjustments if needed by the application. With this work, small-scaled manufacturing foundries will benefit from the price and functionality of the welding oscillator.

Keywords: Welding oscillator, automation, control, smart welding, stepper motor

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