The vortex effect of Francis turbine in electric power generation


Abstract: In this study, the vibration effects of a vortex that occurred in high-head Francis turbines and an alternator are examined. The vortex effect, which directly affects the efficiency and the quality of the energy, was tested at the DarÔøΩca-1 hydroelectric power plant (HPP) located in Ordu Province, Turkey. Formed by undissolved oxygen in the water, the vortex effect, which is parallel to the alternator load, causes tremendous vibration within the alternator and Francis turbine bearings. This problem, which has a direct negative effect on the alternator capacity, was solved by adding an air-admission system. In doing so, power production was increased by 11.11%, from 44 MW to 49.5 MW. This caused a significant head loss, specifically in the Francis turbines. Vortex optimization was successfully established at the Darıca-1 HPP.

Keywords: Francis turbine, vortex effect, alternator, hydroelectric power plant

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