Internet-based multiuser in-circuit emulator design for 8051 microprocessors


Abstract: A real-time, Internet-based 8051 microprocessor in-circuit emulator (MicroLabICE) was designed and run for microprocessor lessons for undergraduate and graduate programs of electrical, electronics, communication, and computer engineering. Users can run applications developed for the 8051 microprocessor online on a physical circuit not being limited to a specific time or place with the 8051 microprocessor in-circuit emulator (ICE). The programs prepared by users are transferred to the controller area network (CAN) through an online server and program the ICE experiment module. Codes loaded on the designed emulator experiment module are run step by step and values that 8051 microprocessor registers have taken could be monitored on the client interface real-timely. The client interface program, which enables users to control emulator experiment modules and server computer intercommunicating through CANBus, to connect to and to manage emulator experiment modules online, has been developed in C# programming language.

Keywords: In circuit emulator, controller area network, 8051 Microprocessors, Internet-based control, embedded systems

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