Estimating spatiotemporal focus of documents using entropy with PMI


Abstract: Many text documents are spatiotemporal in nature, i.e. contents of a document can be mapped to a specific time period or location. For example, a news article about the French Revolution can be mapped to year 1789 as time and France as place. Identifying this time period and location associated with the document can be useful for various downstream applications such as document reasoning or spatiotemporal information retrieval. In this paper, temporal entropy with pointwise mutual information (PMI) is proposed to estimate the temporal focus of a document. PMI is used to measure the association of words with time expressions. Moreover, a word's temporal entropy is considered as a weight to its association with a time point and a single time point with the highest overall score is chosen as the focus time of a document. The proposed method is generic in the sense that it can also be applied for spatial focus estimation of documents. In the case of spatial entropy with PMI, PMI is used to calculate the association between words and place entities. The effectiveness of our proposed methods for spatiotemporal focus estimation is evaluated on diverse datasets of text documents. The experimental evaluation confirms the superiority of our proposed temporal and spatial focus estimation methods.

Keywords: Document analysis, spatiotemporal focus estimation, temporal entropy, spatial entropy, pointwise mutual information

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