Efficient modelling of random access memory cell: an approach using QCA nanocomputing


Abstract: Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is innovative and potentially fruitful nanotechnology that provides a solution for transistor-based circuits with enhanced switching frequency, large-scale integration, and low power consumption. The random-access memory (RAM) cell is a fundamental component that is designed to operate quickly and effectively since memory is a core part of the semiconductor industry, thus the QCA family. The RAM cell design in this work is based on a multiplexer structure and is implemented without using coplanar crossovers of QCA technology. QCADesigner-2.0.3, a standard QCA layout design and verification tool, is used in the simulation and validation processes for the proposed circuit. The QCAPro tool is used in order to ascertain the level of energy that is lost. In terms of latency, area, and the total number of cells used, the suggested QCA RAM design achieves better results than its predecessors. Compared to the best design currently available, the suggested layout reduces latency by approximately 50%, the area needs by approximately 43%, and the number of cells by approximately 40%.

Keywords: Nanocomputing, QCA, quantum-dot cellular automata, RAM, random access memory

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