Low-latency and energy-efficient scheduling in fog-based IoT applications


Abstract: In today's world, the internet of things (IoT) is developing rapidly. Wireless sensor network (WSN) as an infrastructure of IoT has limitations in the processing power, storage, and delay for data transfer to cloud. The large volume of generated data and their transmission between WSNs and cloud are serious challenges. Fog computing (FC) as an extension of cloud to the edge of the network reduces latency and traffic; thus, it is very useful in IoT applications such as healthcare applications, wearables, intelligent transportation systems, and smart cities. Resource allocation and task scheduling are the NP-hard issues in FC. Each application includes several modules that require resources to run. Fog devices (FDs) have the ability to run resource management algorithms because of their proximity to sensors and cloud as well as the proper processing power. In this paper, we review the scheduling strategies and parameters as well as providing a greedy knapsack-based scheduling (GKS) algorithm for allocating resources appropriately to modules in fog network. Our proposed method was simulated in iFogsim as a standard simulator for FC. The results show that the energy consumption, execution cost, and sensor lifetime in GKS are better than those of the first-come-first-served (FCFS), concurrent, and delay-priority algorithms.

Keywords: Fog computing, heuristic, greedy knapsack, resource scheduling

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