Investigation of Safe and Sustainable Yields for the Sandy Complex Aquifer System in the Ergene River Basin, Thrace Region, Turkey


Abstract: This study aims to determine the safe and sustainable yields for the Sandy Complex aquifer system in Ergene River basin in northwestern Turkey. A numerical ground-water flow model was developed for the Sandy Complex aquifer, which is the most productive and the most widespread aquifer in the basin. The finite difference ground-water model was used to simulate steady and unsteady flow in the aquifer. The model was calibrated in two steps: a steady-state calibration, by using the observed ground-water levels of January 1970; then a transient calibration, by using the observed ground-water levels for the period of January 1970 and December 2000. The resulting model was used to develop ground-water pumping scenarios in order to predict the changes in the aquifer system under a set of different pumpage conditions for a planning period of 30 years between January 2001 and December 2030. A total of eight pumping scenarios were developed under transient-flow conditions for the planning period, and the results were evaluated to determine the safe and sustainable yields of the aquifer. The results, presented in the form of a trade-off curve, demonstrate that both the safe and the sustainable yield values are exceeded if pumping continues at the present rate. An appropriate suite of management policies and plans are provided that will promote the sustainable development of the aquifer system.

Keywords: Ergene River basin, calibration, ground-water management, safe yield, sustainable yield

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