Foraminiferal micropaleontology of the Harami Formation (Elazığ, Eastern Turkey), and reassessment of its age based on larger benthic foraminifera


Abstract: The age and depositional environment of the Harami Formation were reevaluated based on the new larger benthic foraminiferal (LBF) data. LBF assemblage including Orbitoides medius (d'Archiac), O. megaloformis Papp and Küpper, O. gruenbachensis Papp, Pseudomphalocyclus blumenthali Meriç, Omphalocyclus macroporus (Lamarck), Sirtina cf. orbitoidiformis Brönnimann and Wirz, Hellenocyclina beotica Reichel, Lepidorbitoides campaniensis Van Gorsel, L. bisambergensis (Jaeger), L. cf. minor (Schlumberger), Pseudosiderolites vidali (Douville), and Siderolites gr. calcitrapoides Lamarck were determined in the formation. Based on this LBF assemblage data, the late Campanian-Maastrichtian age was assigned to the formation. The paleontological and sedimentological data indicate that the Harami Formation was deposited on a shallow ramp environment.

Keywords: Harami Formation, late Campanian-Maastrichtian, eastern Turkey, Elazığ

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