Geochronological Evidence of Pan-African Eclogites from the Central Menderes Massif, Turkey


Abstract: The Menderes Massif in western Anatolia documents a complex geodynamic history from Precambrian to recent. Eclogitic relics found in metagabbros in the Precambrian basement were dated by the U/Pb method. The zircon age data from granulitic (coronitic) and eclogitic metagabbros is consistent with geological constraints as well as relative and radiometric ages of the host granulitic gneisses and augen gneisses. A Pan-African intrusion age (540 Ma) of the metagabbros and a shortly later eclogite facies event (530 Ma) are inferred. This scenario fits with the geodynamic evolution deduced form the acidic country rocks of the eclogitic metagabbros. Direct links between the Menderes Massif and Mozambique belt are obliterated by Alpine deformation. Nevertheless, the tectonic setting and age of the Menderes eclogites support a terminal collision of East and West Gondwana and the final suturing of the Mozambique Ocean during the Early Cambrian.


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